Your Non-Physical Physical Life

Your Non-Physical Physical Life

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Body


Start Date: Saturday, November 21, 2015
End Date: Friday, November 27, 2015
Includes: 7 conversations, 1 directive, 15 questions, 1 rampage
Length: 04:09:32

Although your eyes may disagree, you are not having the experience you think you are having.

For instance, you may think that you live in an environment of limited resources.

But that isn't quite right.

Your physical reality is constructed of and by an unlimited abundance that is consistently streaming into your awareness according to your intention and expectation.

The dilemma you may be having is one of seeing yourself as subject to this reality as opposed to the director of it.

In this series of 7 awesome daily conversations, we will be inviting you to actively recognize and live your non-physical physical life.

When we say non-physical physical life, we are pointing to where all this very tangible physical matter comes from.

It all comes from your imagination.

And your imagination is a non-physical experience.

It is not bounded by any limits. Literally anything that you can imagine can happen there.

And what better place to recognize the power of your imagination than in the physical place where it all plays itself out according to your intention and desire?

Living your non-physical physical life is simply a matter of recognizing, an easy thing indeed, that you are more than what you appear to be.

And there is great magic in that recognition.

So we invite you to unleash this magic and let it become the consistent experience that it is quite deliciously intended to be.

One note: you may be thinking that this workshop will solve your problems. It won't.

But it is a powerful invitation to you to recognize that what you think are problems are not any such thing.

That is, indeed, where all the magic is unleashed.

More details (including samples): Your Non-Physical Physical Life