Why You Do What You Do

Why You Do What You Do

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Inspired action, Metaphysics


Start Date: Saturday, September 7, 2019
End Date: Friday, September 13, 2019
Includes: 0 daily calls
Length: 00:00:00

This series of 7 daily conversations, including your powerful questions along with our answers, is to remind you why you do what you do.

In speaking of doing, we're referring to the so-called work you may be up to.

Whether you are employed in a job, have your own enterprise, or dance as a free spirit, this series is all about the ideas that give animation to your action.

You are, of course, doing what is right for you, right now.

That's the only possibility.

However, just because you do this thing you do right now doesn't mean you will do it forever or for even five more minutes.

Each action you take, wherever you might be, has an inspiration behind it.

We remind you, here, in this series of conversations, from where that inspiration arises.

To be clear, this is not a series that will, on its face, help you figure out what to do next, since you know that already, even if you are blinding yourself to that fact.

What this series will help you with is to remember what brought you here in the first place, in terms of your so-called work, and where you want to go next.

Not where you need to go...

But where you want to go.

As always, we very much look forward to interacting with you in whatever way that feels right to you and know that, as wonderful as our prior interactions have been, these next ones will be even better and better from here.

More details (including samples): Why You Do What You Do