Start Date: Saturday, January 7, 2017
End Date: Friday, January 13, 2017
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 05:20:41
Intuition is immediate, available, instantaneous, and right on target for where you are at any given moment.
It isn't, however, plotting, planning, or dealing with anything.
Intuition doesn't fix your problem since you don't have any problem to fix.
Intuition moves forward, is expansive, and is opening.
The basis of intuition is Infinite Intelligence powered by Unconditional Love.
Intuition isn't the big reveal, the big gotcha, and it certainly isn't lurking around until you get things right.
Intuition is easy, obvious, simple, and feels better.
In this series of 7 delicious daily interactions, we invite you to decide to use your intuition for your benefit and let the universe of your thoughts bring you what you are intending.
As you do this, you release your resistance to your own creation and things do get better.
But, most importantly, you feel better and that's the best thing of all.
We know that you know whether being part of this magic is right for you.
So, we invite you to use your intuition to decide whether to join us for the delicious romp and rampage on the very same topic of using your intuition.
Whatever you choose is exactly right. We know that just as we know that this will be the very best of this series of conversations so far. Until the next one.
More details (including samples): Using Intuition