Start Date: Saturday, September 3, 2022
End Date: Friday, September 9, 2022
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 06:34:38
From a logical perspective, it makes sense.
You have inputs and you have outputs.
One group of common inputs includes focus, dedication, commitment, forbearance, persistence, and tenacity.
In other words: working hard.
The alleged output of working hard is success.
Yet, metaphysically, we can tell you that working hard does not bring success.
You manifest success.
Plain and simple.
So, the problem with working hard is that it never pays off while also demanding more and more from you to achieve less and less.
In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to notice what working hard is doing for you and further invite you to turn to where you true power resides: your imagination.
We're not saying you should do nothing. Far from it.
What we're saying is that there is, if you will, a smarter and more plugged-in way to allow the success you desire (however you define success) and that it's actually much easier than you've been taught to believe.
As always, we look forward to connecting with you in whatever way is perfect for you.
We know that, as you are part of the magic of this series of conversations and questions, something quite delicious and wonderful will arise, indeed.
More details (including samples): The Problem With Working Hard