Start Date: Saturday, August 25, 2018
End Date: Friday, August 31, 2018
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 03:59:08
You may think, off the bat, that the title of this series is preposterous on its face.
We can assure you, it is not.
You are actively trying to protect yourself from money even in this moment.
The protection you seek is found in the future ramifications and past regrets of the whole money racket.
You are trying to make sure nothing bad happens to you.
The center of this series of daily conversations is in the fact that such protection is not only not necessary, it actually never accomplishes what it purports to do and, in fact, adds to the unwanted aspects of things you already know you don't want.
As always, we invite you to join us for the magic of these conversations as it pleases you to do.
We, ourselves, are very much looking forward to this particularly wondrous series of magical conversations, questions, and answers and know that, should you choose to be part of this, it will all be arranging itself for you perfectly and powerfully and in ways that are delicious, indeed.
More details (including samples): The Problem With Protecting Yourself From Money