Start Date: Saturday, November 5, 2022
End Date: Friday, November 11, 2022
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 06:56:47
In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to notice the true nature of how you relate to all things, including other people, and to remember why and how you have anything at all to relate to.
We know that you believe you are an object swimming in a chaotic universe with other objects.
This is why you believe you have to defend or protect yourself.
This is why you believe you have to make things happen.
But, in fact, you are not an object of, by, or with anything, anywhere, in any way.
You are a manifesting being of light.
And the manifesting you are doing right now involves a magnificent creation called physical reality.
And it is utterly delicious.
The problem with relating to anything or anyone is that these things and these people are not there in the way that you think they are.
In particular, when it comes to other people, they are in your reality because you have called them forth.
You do not have relationships with other people in the ways you think you do.
And this series will remind you of this and show you how, should you choose to use what we offer, to be with what and who you are manifesting.
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To be certain, this is a topic that is about deep metaphysics.
We invite you to join us for this series of conversations and questions only if you are willing to see clearly what you are doing with your manifesting.
This is no warning. This is merely an acknowledgment that the topics arising in these conversations may very well turn things upside-down in your perception and broaden your awareness of how you are.
And, from where we sit, that is always a good thing.
More details (including samples): The Problem With Being In A Relationship