Start Date: Saturday, December 11, 2021
End Date: Friday, December 17, 2021
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 03:34:59
Today we invite you to pay attention to the nature of your physical reality...
By appreciating it.
The power of appreciation is something we really cannot overstate.
And, when you bring that power to the table, you're amplifying in ways that really, truly delight you.
You can use the power of appreciation any way you choose.
You can appreciate the fact that something is gone...
You can appreciate the fact that something is rising...
You can appreciate the fact that you have something without any evidence of it's physically being demonstrated to you at all...
This isn't just a run-of-the-mill series of conversations about why appreciation is a good idea.
This series will be going deep into why appreciation is an amplifier and why it's actually the amplifying aspect of things.
We've talked about how physical reality is amplifying.
You can't correct anything.
That's because you have a non-stop continuous appreciation going on for everything.
So, appreciating it's not something that you're using, like a muscle that you're exercising.
Appreciation is alignment. In fact it's another word for alignment. It's something you're accessing. It's something that you're opening up to.
In this series of conversations we'll be inviting you to open up to the appreciation that is at your hand right now and available to you immediately.
We look forward to talking with you about the power of appreciation, the application of this idea, the practicality of it, and why this is the actual thing that is happening in the manifesting of your reality.
We look forward to your questions, to your comments, to your ideas, to the contrast that arises as a result, and to all of the deliciousness that is coming.
And, until that delightful and wonderful time and in great appreciation, we bid you a fond farewell.
More details (including samples): The Power Of Appreciation