Start Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016
End Date: Friday, June 10, 2016
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 04:27:54
As you look at the past and you realize the perfection of how you arrived in this very moment, you are activating the magic of synchronicity.
If you could then turn your attention to your wallet and your bank account using the same vision, you might find something very delicious indeed.
In these seven fabulous days of conversations with your delicious questions and our powerful answers, we invite you to look at your current cash-having experience through the lens of synchronicity.
It is actually the case that you are on the very leading edge of your cash-having experience right now.
Everything that preceded this moment has brought you here, in wonderful and delicious ways.
Your acknowledgement of this is powerful.
What is synchronicity?
When you activate the power of synchronicity, you are using a powerful mode of thinking that brings you in alignment with nothing less than the expansion of the unconditional love that you are.
You look at your world differently.
You see how everyone, everywhere has already, indeed, been helping you.
You see the past through a completely different perspective.
Synchronicity is simply the realization, in this moment, of the perfection of who you are, where you are, in the way that you are.
It is, in other words, a delightful way of letting yourself off the hook, dropping the resistance you may have built to who you are, and letting your powerful desires go free to create for you what you are intending to have.
Simply put: it feels really, really good.
This series of conversations, as always, will be the best we have offered to date. That is how all creation works. We look forward to connecting with you through this experience, in whatever way feels better to you.
More details (including samples): Synchronistic Cash