Streaming Your Reality On Demand

Streaming Your Reality On Demand

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Directing


Start Date: Saturday, January 7, 2023
End Date: Friday, January 13, 2023
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 07:04:13

You may not realize one thing that is obvious from where we sit.

In fact, the reason you don't readily realize this is testament to how well you are doing this very thing.

Your reality is not static.

You are not an object among many objects, all bumping into each other in random and chaotic ways.

You are sitting at the center of a reality that you are literally streaming into focus on demand.

Nothing is waiting for you to encounter it out there.

Nothing is waiting for you to attract it.

Nothing is outside of where you are.

You are in a magnificent dream.

And it is highly efficient.

And it only comes into focus when it is being called.

And that happens in the present moment only and at no other time since there is no other time.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to recognize the fact that you are streaming your reality into focus on demand and to use that awareness to stream more of what you are wanting.

Through these conversations, we will be discussing:

** How streaming works and what it means
** How time is an idea and why your reality is on demand
** What your body is and its function
** Where cash comes from
** How you express yourself in an on-demand reality
** Who are all these other people you see around you
** The practical application of this idea

As always, we look forward to connecting with each one of you in all the ways we will be doing so. We know that, as always, this will be the very best of these series to date.

More details (including samples): Streaming Your Reality On Demand