Right Here, Right Now

Right Here, Right Now

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Manifesting


Start Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015
End Date: Friday, December 18, 2015
Includes: 7 conversations, 2 directives, 16 questions
Length: 03:58:51

Simply put: you are always in the right place at the right time, and that time is now and that place is here.

What this means in practical terms is that when you are looking around at your reality and wondering what you did wrong or why it's happening to you, it might be very helpful to take a mildly radical step in the direction of calling a time out to declare:

I'm in the right place and this is the right time and those are the right people and this is the right situation.

In our series of conversations with you on this topic, we will be rampaging and setting up ideas that you can mine and use in ways that are perfect for you.

You will have a box of ideas about right now and right here that you can come back to, again and again, whenever you are feeling that someone didn't get it right or that somehow you missed the boat.

It's an illusion to look at your reality and judge that it's somehow missing something.

We know that this may be something you are accustomed to, but it is possible to change your mind and see the fullness of your experience looking right back at you in a way that makes it very easy to remember that:

Right now is the right time and right here the right place!


More details (including samples): Right Here, Right Now