Start Date: Saturday, February 24, 2024
End Date: Friday, March 1, 2024
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 06:44:14
Manifesting is what you are doing, here, all the time.
By default, physical reality is manifesting for you, on your behalf, and to your benefit, and arises as a result of your intending and imagining.
We add the word creative to the word manifesting in order to point out the fact that you are an active participant in this manifesting.
Physical reality is arising from your mind.
This includes the places and things you encounter.
This includes the cash you have and that which is rising up to meet you.
This includes the people interact with, regardless of how connected you are.
This includes your body.
And this includes your self-expression in all the ways you can imagine and beyond.
And, most importantly, you are part of what is happening with all of this reality that is rising up to meet you and carry you.
In this 7-day series of conversations and processes, we invite you to consciously participate in the powerful creative manifesting of that which you desire.
1. Practicing creative manifesting. Engaging with your intending on a conscious level is a creative act.
2. Knowing your manifesting. Standing behind your desire and allowing it to carry you is powerful.
3. Allowing your manifesting. We invite you to get out of the way and let what you desire to come forth.
4. You are having what you are wanting. And you are wanting what you are having.
5. It happens now. All manifesting is occuring in the present.
6. Delighting in your manifesting. We invite you to pay attention to how delicious all that you have is right here and right now.
7. Being creative means manifesting. Creativity is not a separate thing. It is inherent in all you are manifesting which is everything.
More details (including samples): Practicing Creative Manifesting