Start Date: Saturday, November 26, 2022
End Date: Friday, December 2, 2022
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 08:18:07
In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to decide for manifesting the cash you desire simply because it is something you desire.
It is quite likely that, in your story about money, there are reasonable ideas that circle around in your imagination and which all make sense but don't really yield much of anything.
There is nothing wrong with these reasonable ideas.
It's just that they're reasonable... And include justifications... And can be explained at length.
The thing is, however, we know you do not subject most of your reality to such abstract reasonableness.
For the most part, you simply have what you have in manifesting form because you simply want to have what you have in manifesting form.
Some examples of this are breathing in, breathing out, heartbeats, gravity, standing up, sitting down, electricity, running water, sunrises, and sunsets.
You might easily say these things happen without any intervention on your part.
And you would be right.
You're manifesting all things, including that which we listed, and the overwhelmingly vast majority of these things are manifesting deliciously, delightfully, and effortlessly.
But then we come to money (and other Very Big Deals).
Here, we invite you to ease up on getting money and turn to the manifesting of cash dollars, pounds, euro, etc., simply because you have a desire for more and for no actual reasonably reasonable reason.
We know you can go do this since you do this with almost everything.
We look forward to connecting with you through this very powerful and delicious series of conversation and questions because we know that, as amazing and delightful as your cash manifesting is, it will only be getting better and better from here.
More details (including samples): Manifesting Cash