Life On The Leading Edge

Life On The Leading Edge

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Manifesting, Metaphysics


Start Date: Saturday, October 6, 2018
End Date: Friday, October 12, 2018
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 03:52:28

This is where you live.

You live on the leading edge of your reality, of your creation.

All of these things: your body, your relationships, your creative self-expression, your cash, and the world around you... These are all right on the leading edge.

But what is this leading edge?

It is where freedom (or joy or abundance or peace or love) and desire meet.

This leading edge, exquisite in its nature, is right where you are sitting, right here and right now.

You do yourself no favors when you deny it.

And you do yourself a great favor when you recognize it, even for a moment.

We invite you to do so. Right here and right now.

So, in this amazing 7-day series of conversations, along with your powerful questions and the delicious answers they bring forth, we invite you to see yourself right where you are. You are living on this leading edge and it is quite wonderful, indeed.

As always, we invite you to join us for this series of conversations as it feels better to do so.

We certainly look forward to connecting with you, in whatever way that may be, and know that this will be the very best of these series of conversations, questions, and answers so far.

More details (including samples): Life On The Leading Edge