It Is Done!

It Is Done!

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Oldies but goodies!


Start Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014
End Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Includes: 7 conversations, 1 workshops
Length: 02:22:40

These three words, when used in a metaphysical sense, are quite powerful and can be used to define your reality to take any shape and contain any experience you can conceive and imagine.

We invite you to join us for seven days of exploration and going deep with the metaphysical application of the idea that something is actually completed before your eyes can see it.

Knowing, as you may very well indeed, that the metaphysical approach to creating reality is a delicious adventure that calls you forth into the most amazing version of the you that you are becoming makes it very clear that your steps along the way are declared and decided by you before they happen.

This is contrary to all the teaching of the world and is not something we would suggest that you take lightly but it is something we suggest you be easy about.

In our conversations in this series, we will be offering you the broader metaphysical perspective on the nature of reality, as you are creating it, both from a metaphysical and a physical perspective. Generally speaking, we use the term inspirational journey to describe the former and motivational journey to describe the latter.

As this series winds its way through the topics we have listed below, we will be inviting you to actively engage with your dreams, your desires, and your fancies, from the most exalted and significant to the most mundane and silly.

There is no thing you could want to experience that you are not capable of having and, with this series of conversations, it is our intention to show you how, exactly, this is true.

As with all of these offerings, we invite you to join us if it feels better to do so. We know that you will know and we know that this is quite delicious indeed!

More details (including samples): It Is Done!