Intending And Allowing Cash

Intending And Allowing Cash

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Wealth


Start Date: Saturday, July 17, 2021
End Date: Friday, July 23, 2021
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 05:15:14

In this series of seven daily conversations, we invite you to practice the delicious art of intending and allowing cash as a specific form of abundance you can use and play with.

Intending is what you do when you've decided to allow something specific into your physical experience.

It isn't necessarily action but if it is then you will be at the center of it.

The key to intending is to take what you're imagining and see yourself having or doing or benefiting from what you are imagining.

The next step, of course, is the allowing of it.

Intending and allowing cash is all about knowing you have it in a way that is perfect for you and allowing that to come into form.

It's easy in the explaining, but if you desire to know more, we invite you to join us for this event.

However you do join us will be quite perfect. We look forward to connecting with you, in whatever way that may be, and know that will be quite delicious indeed.

More details (including samples): Intending And Allowing Cash