Harnessing The Efficiency Of The Universe

Harnessing The Efficiency Of The Universe

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Metaphysics, Oldies but goodies!


Start Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2013
End Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Includes: 7 conversations, 1 workshops
Length: 02:40:09

Efficiency is not just a word that means that things happen quickly or expeditiously.

Efficiency is how the Universe itself is organized.

Everything follows a path of least resistance and finds its way to its maximum potential expression in the least amount of time and with the least amount of effort.

In other words: a baby's finger can move the mountain.

In this short, sweet, and highly efficient series, we will be speaking with you about the very specific ways you can harness the efficiency of the Universe and find your way into specific and delicious manifested realities in ways more powerful and simple than you could imagine from your conscious perspective.

What this means in very real terms is that when you let the Universe do the work, things work out better. Again and again and again.

In this series, we will be inviting you to lean into the native and natural efficiency that is already at work in your own life.

We will also be inviting you to re-examine the past and see how efficient your life had been in ways that you probably did not notice.

And, efficiently, we invite you to join us only if it feels better to do so!

More details (including samples): Harnessing The Efficiency Of The Universe