Start Date: Saturday, March 16, 2019
End Date: Friday, March 22, 2019
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 05:30:21
You might want to hold onto your hat...
In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and our delicious answers, we invite you to take an entirely new look at what has been happening when you have been selling your goods or services.
As you do this, you will be bringing yourself into alignment with your own desires and that is always a very good thing, indeed.
In this series, we invite you to see what has been going on all along: you have been giving away your goods or services.
That is always what you have done and what you will always do.
Just as, in the same way, you've been giving cash to the various butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers you've come across along the way.
And they have given you chops, cakes, and candles.
If you will step back from the fraught issue of sales and marketing and payments and transactions and see what is actually happening, you might very well open yourself up to more and more and more all the way around...
More giving of your commodities to more delighted customers...
More giving of your services to more delighted clients...
More receiving of cash dollars, pounds, and euro from your delighted customers and clients...
This is nothing new.
The giving and receiving has been happening all along.
You just might have confused sales and payments for this giving and receiving.
And, in the same way that the amplification of the cash you are having is an act of abundance while the attempt to get more money yields nothing substantive...
So to is the giving of your goods and services to your customers and clients an act of abundance whereas selling the same is very hard work, indeed.
As always, we invite you to board this train as it pleases you to do. We look forward to interacting with you in whatever way pleases you for we know, as always, that what we are giving here is the very best series of conversations we have ever given and they will be getting better and better and better, indeed!
More details (including samples): Giving Versus Selling