Start Date: Saturday, August 10, 2019
End Date: Friday, August 16, 2019
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 05:00:35
In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions, we invite you to bring freedom to the idea of what your body is and how it is serving you, right now.
Your body is a manifesting idea that you have brought forth.
You put your body in a restrained and contracting place when you insist that it is limited and broken.
You free your body when you tell the truth about its limitlessness and its perfection, as it is right now.
This doesn't heal anything, since you are not in need of healing.
But it can, if you are willing, move the body from its current state of perfection into one that is more open and more expansive and that feels better as you interact with it.
This is much easier than you might think.
So, we invite you to remember who you are in relationship to your body.
And we invite you to bring freedom into the story of what and how your body is and is becoming.
This can be very delicious, and feel delightful, indeed!
More details (including samples): Freedom + Your Body