Start Date: Saturday, February 18, 2017
End Date: Friday, February 24, 2017
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 05:14:16
Your life is easy.
Whether you recognize that, or not, is another question.
But the truth is the truth.
Your life is easy. It's wonderful. It's amazing.
This truth is not based on circumstance or situation. Nor does it have anything to do with either.
There is beauty and joy and delight everywhere, regardless of circumstance.
And, as you allow yourself to notice this, to put your attention on it consciously, to live from this place, you will see it and you will know, more and more, that you have it.
When you follow your flow, you are living the life that you have created for yourself.
It's really that simple.
In these 7 daily delicious interactions, we invite you to relax into and to follow your flow.
We know that this is already the case.
When you let your action, your words, and your thoughts flow for you, it's amazing what can happen.
So, in this delicious series of conversations, we invite you to consciously taste precisely this.
We know, from where we sit, that all is well right where you are. And we revel in that truth.
We invite you to join us as we do this so that you can see and feel the same thing that is immediately available.
As always, we know that this is the best of these series yet.
And, as it pleases you to do so, we invite you to join in on this expansive awareness for the instant delight of it.
More details (including samples): Following Your Flow