Evening Meditation - Abundance

Evening Meditation - Abundance

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Oldies but goodies!, Wealth


Start Date: Friday, May 17, 2013
End Date: Thursday, June 6, 2013
Includes: 21 meditations
Length: 02:33:35

An evening meditation with us is a very delicious way to end your day.

In this first series, we will be speaking you in very soothing ways about the abundance that is all around you, that is flowing from within you, and that can be found in all sorts of ways just by noticing.

Each meditation is designed to bring you into your own vortex with your Inner Being as you bring your day to a close and prepare to sleep.

You can also use these meditations in preparation for any time of rest during the day.

More details (including samples): Evening Meditation - Abundance