Enchanted Enamored

Enchanted Enamored

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Included in these collections:

7 day series, Relationship


Start Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023
End Date: Friday, October 20, 2023
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 09:54:18

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to remember why you are here in the first place.

Regardless of your current relationship status, we invite you to consider the vibrational tone of enchantment as you feel your way into the fact that your beloved is enamored of you and you of them.

Your beloved is your enamored and the enchanting feeling of being enamored is a very powerful and delightful vibrational state to cultivate.

1. Enchanted enamored. No matter your current status, your beloved is your enamored and that vibration flows in both directions.

2. This is not just about relationship. In this series, we are reminding you why you are choosing to be physically-oriented and what that means as you actively engage in this choice.

3. All relationships are the same. Your beloved is you and all extending through you out into the holographic universe.

4. The power is in your imagination. Spending time imagining how much you are enamored and are enamoring is delightful time spent indeed.

5. Allowing yourself to be enamored. We cannot overstate how powerful it is to remember that you are deeply loved and adored and often in ways that are beyond intellectual comprehension.

6. Right here, right now. While this series may be full of seemingly grand ideas, it is all about what is right in front of you.

7. Your body is a temple. One of many temples where you go to adore and be adored, your body is the whole point of waking up in the morning.

More details (including samples): Enchanted Enamored