Start Date: Saturday, February 22, 2020
End Date: Friday, February 28, 2020
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 04:07:32
Manifestation is what you always do.
It's what you are doing, here, all the time.
Physical reality is manifesting for you, on your behalf, and to your benefit, and arises as a result of your intention and imagination.
We add the word creative to the word manifestation in order to point out the fact that you are and can be an active participant in this manifestation.
To be clear... physical reality is arising from your mind.
And... you can be part of what is happening with your feet, your hands, and your words, as well as your thoughts.
In this 7-day series of conversations, we will be talking about how you can and do actively participate in the very powerful and intentional manifestation of that which you desire.
We invite you to join us, as it feels better, and bring your powerful questions to the table and enjoy the delicious answers which will come forth as a result of your participation.
We look forward to interacting with each and everyone of you in all these magical and wonderful ways, indeed!
More details (including samples): Creative Manifestation