Start Date: Saturday, August 31, 2019
End Date: Friday, September 6, 2019
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 05:15:28
This is a simple proposition.
You have a strong desire for abundance.
For the most part, abundance manifests as cash...
Dollars, pounds, euro, shekels, rubles, rupees, etc...
The desire is there.
So what's the problem?
The complicated answer, one that might take years to work through, is that you have some sort of unconscious block to abundance.
If you've done so before, then you know that can be a snake you chase and chase and never quite grab onto.
The simple answer, one that you can easily tap into, is alignment.
Now, alignment isn't just for spines...
It's how anything and everything shows up in your reality.
You are in alignment with having it.
Whatever it is.
Abundance, in the form of cash, is plentiful.
And you can have more of it as you let yourself come into alignment with having it.
Well, in this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions, we'll answer that very question in greater and greater detail as we go along.
But here's a clue (one that most of you know about already)...
Your imagination brings forth everything you know of.
That's a place to start...
We invite you to join us as it feels better to do so.
And we know that, whoever you are and however you participate, this really will be the very best of these conversations we've had to date.
For, as we like to say, again and again, as good as all of this is (all of these series of conversations), the better and better it all gets!
More details (including samples): Cash Alignment