Start Date: Saturday, February 11, 2023
End Date: Friday, February 17, 2023
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 07:20:29
Your manifesting reality is a holographic projection happening in your own mind.
And all the elements of the projection, or dream, are also happening in your own mind.
That means that the things you encounter, the chair or the table or the sky above, are elements of a dream that are present because you are intending them to be so.
And some of the most significant elements of this dream are other people.
In this series of 7 daily conversations, we are inviting you to remember who other people are and how they help you in innumerable ways including expressing your own ideas as well as showing up in ways that are perfect for you as they happen.
You are not an object among objects.
Other people, your version of them, are present in your dream to help you.
And you can invite them to show up in ways that delight you.
In this series, we will start there and let the conversation and the ideas evolve into practical applications of this topic so you can see the role other people play in the dream you are dreaming.
We invite you to join us for this series because we know that, as always, this will be the very best one yet to date.
More details (including samples): Versioning And Other People