Start Date: Saturday, August 6, 2022
End Date: Friday, August 12, 2022
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 04:55:31
The problem with trying to get more is two-fold.
The first dilemma is that you can't get anything.
You have this and you have that and the forms that shape the having are in constant motion.
But getting is based on the idea that forms are fixed.
And they are not.
The second dilemma that arises when you try to get more is that you're pushing away the very thing you're trying to get more of.
We know you know this because we've heard you tell us about your frustration with this very thing.
Through this series, we are offering you an opportunity to reframe things and walk around this frustration and into the having you desire.
In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to recognize where your true power abides and that is in the amplification of what you have.
This series will solve no problems.
However, it is an opportunity for you to recognize the difference between getting and having.
And you will, if you choose, be able to open yourself up to your natural state of amplification which is what all thought is doing for you.
As always, we look forward to connecting with you in whatever way feels better and delight in those connections as we always do.
More details (including samples): The Problem With Trying To Get More