Start Date: Saturday, April 8, 2017
End Date: Friday, April 14, 2017
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 04:28:59
When we ghosts remind you who you are, we are always pointing to one very specific thing:
You are the creator of your reality.
You can certainly disagree with us and get all sorts of data to back up your position.
This is neither right nor wrong but certainly what you can do.
That is the nature of thought: you say it is so and you get support for your assertion.
If you say you are enjoying your connection with your beloved, then you will find evidence that this is so.
If you say you are reveling in the ease of interaction with your beloved, then you will be proven right.
And, if you say you are delighting in the freedom and magic of your relationship with your beloved, then you will see this over and over again as you do.
In this series of 7 daily rampages, interactions, and delicious questions, we invite you to embrace your beloved and feel into the magic and delight of this joyful, easy, and delightful connection.
You are the creator of your reality.
You are not limited by anything other than that which you use to narrow your experience.
This isn't a bad thing.
In fact, it's a wonderful thing.
This is how you can think of an elephant without having to clean up after one as it trounces through your house.
In this series we invite you to imagine your delicious and powerful experience of adoring, appreciating, and enjoying your relationship with your beloved as is exquisitely right for you in any given moment.
As we rampage through this topic, we invite you to see yourself adoring and adored, giving affection and receiving the same, and honoring yourself and your beloved in the connection that you are delighting in having.
Now, you may or may not know your beloved. Either way is perfect since this is a metaphysical conversation.
We also, as always, invite you to join us for this series of amazing interactions in whatever way pleases you.
And, as always, we very much look forward to reveling in our connection with you, however it may be.
More details (including samples): Embracing Your Beloved