Start Date: Saturday, August 21, 2021
End Date: Friday, August 27, 2021
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 06:11:21
Perfection is a state that is currently present and not achievable.
There is a difference between perfecting something as an achievable goal and recognizing extant perfection as a state.
It is the latter of which we speak in this series of conversations.
Where you are right now is perfect.
We understand you might not agree with us.
And, to that point, we offer these conversations as a way of inviting you to deepen your awareness about what perfection actually is, in pure metaphysical terms that can very much be helpful for you in how you see yourself in physical terms.
For example...
Your body is perfect as it is now, regardless of its state.
Your bank account is perfect as it is now, regardless of its balance.
Your relationships are perfect as they are now, regardless of your opinions.
In other words, you are already living in a state of perfection.
That said, it doesn't end here.
In fact, your recognition of the perfection of the what-is-so is where you can begin.
And, in so doing, we know you might have some very specific questions about how, exactly, this can be so considering the state of things in your life that you might very well see as being far from perfect.
We look forward to those questions and invite you to bring them to the table because we well know how powerful they will be, both in the asking and the answering.
In other words, they will be perfect!
More details (including samples): Your State Of Perfection