Included in these collections:
7 day series (with questions), Imagining, Intending, Intention, Intuition, Manifesting, Newest additions, Surrendering
Start Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
End Date: Friday, January 24, 2025
Includes: 7 daily calls, 7 daily processes
Length: 07:35:12
By default is how you are manifesting ninety-nine percent of all that you encounter on a sensory level.
We've discussed, at length, the big four: electricity, running water, the internet, and the banking system.
These are amazingly powerful things which are consistently rising up to help you.
And there are many, many more things than just these four that you are expertly and masterfully manifesting in just the right way and just the right measure.
We invite you to consider the small number of items you have squirreled away to work on intentionally and invite you to bring them out and give them the freedom to manifest for you in equally expert and masterful ways.
Intentional manifesting is an exquisite art you are quite adept at with some small exceptions.
Through this series, we invite you to get back to basics and to allow yourself to have these things which you so obviously desire.
1. Intentional manifesting. You are a master manifestor and your intention brings specific things into your physical experiences thanks to your powerful desire.
2. Desire and contrast. At the basis of all manifesting is contrast and the powerful desire it amplifies and give life to.
3. Imagining your desire in form. Through versioning, you encounter the shape and form and construct of your desire. You also refine and define it through the contrast of what you are versioning.
4. Intuition is the gatekeeper. You cannot manifest anything you are not in alignment with having. This is a good thing and it can also be a challenging thing.
5. The expansion of imagining into intending. Once the gate has been crossed, now you are offering up your desire to the universe of your thoughts to sort out, arrange, and bring forth as an arising form.
6. Allowing your intentional desire. This is mostly getting out of the way.
7. Having your intentional desire. Once it's done, you have it. When is it done? Right now.
1. A process for conjuring up helpers for intentional manifesting.
2. A process for recognizing the power of contrast.
3. A process for versioning what you desire.
4. A process for feeling your way into the feel-better of what you desire.
5. A process for intending.
6. A process for allowing.
7. A process for living in the havingness.
More details (including samples): Intentional Manifesting