Start Date: Saturday, March 30, 2024
End Date: Friday, April 5, 2024
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 08:26:49
Now, to be clear, you are manifesting everything all the time.
This includes, of course, your body and the world that surrounds your body at any given moment.
It also includes your personality and sense of individuated self.
Your perspective, of course, has to do with how you see yourself in the midst of all you are manifesting.
You can see yourself as you have taught yourself to do: a lone person cast into a chaotic universe with random events happening to you, doing the best you can to stay upright and afloat.
You can see yourself as you truly are: a being of light manifesting into form and, through that form, inhabiting an intentional universe where everyone and everything is rising up to meet you and help you.
In this series of 7 daily calls and processes, we invite you to cultivate a manifesting perspective and see yourself rightly, as you truly are, and to more easily enjoy the delights of this intentional universe you are inhabiting.
More details (including samples): Cultivating A Manifesting Perspective