Start Date: Saturday, May 9, 2020
End Date: Friday, May 15, 2020
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 06:32:52
Here is another one of our conversations where we look forward to turning pre-conceived notions and cultural assumptions right on their heads.
In a delicious way, of course...
We've often said that laziness is all about allowing and, more often than not, is also about efficiency.
In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and the answers they call forth, we will be talking about the immediacy of intuition which, by definition, makes it the laziest thing you will ever do.
Intuition is right in front of you and is immediately available.
Intuition requires no understanding nor pre-planning.
Intuition is instant and is telling you what, precisely, is the next better thing to do, say, or think.
Intuition feels better.
Intuition is obvious.
Intuition is, quite literally, right in front of you.
We invite you to follow your intuition and join us for this series of conversations if it feels better. Indeed.
More details (including samples): Lazy Intuition