Start Date: Saturday, October 22, 2016
End Date: Friday, October 28, 2016
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 04:46:12
You are in business for a reason.
You may be in it to make money.
You may be in it to be popular or famous.
You may be in it to help others.
You may be in it to help yourself.
You can be in it for all these reasons and more.
But, no matter how you got to this moment in your amazing intentional business, this is where everything begins.
In this series of 7 daily, delicious conversations, we invite you to become even more intentional about what you are offering to your customers and what you want to experience as a result of being in business.
Whether you have been in one or more endeavors for many years...
Whether you have yet to do anything but want to do something...
In this series of conversations, we invite you to notice what you really want.
You will have opportunities to ask us questions about the nature of your endeavors and we will be able to offer you our expanded awareness of what you are actually bringing to the table.
In the end, we invite you to remember who you are in the middle of all of this: the powerful creator of a delicious experience that can get better and better as you allow it to.
So, as always, we invite you to join us on this delicious experience of expansion as it feels better to do so and we know that this will, indeed, be the best one of these conversations to date.
More details (including samples): Intentional Business