Start Date: Saturday, January 8, 2022
End Date: Friday, January 14, 2022
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 07:39:48
Inviting your helpers to help you is a powerful proposition.
It's also something we highly recommend.
Now, to be clear, your helpers are already helping you in very general ways.
They are helping you to be who you are as an individual, manifesting a unique and delightful dream that you call your physical reality.
But they can help you with much, much more than this.
You are a specialist in clarifying desire.
No one does this better than you.
But you can have help in this by calling in your helpers to help you.
In this series of 7 daily conversations, we will be walking you through some specific possible ways you can further amplify your delightful relationship with your helpers and directly feel the benefit of their help and assistance.
We look forward to your questions about what is possible here with your helpers for we know, just as your helpers know, that you can have and are having more and more of what it is that you are wanting in increasingly delicious ways.
More details (including samples): Inviting Your Helpers To Help