Start Date: Saturday, August 10, 2024
End Date: Friday, August 16, 2024
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 05:43:53
In this series of 7 daily conversations along with your questions, we invite you to remember that you have called your helpers forth to help you and it becomes more and more obvious that they certainly can and do as you allow them to.
You sit at the center of this amazing holographic universe and are continuously calling forth your helpers.
You can, if you wish, help them help you.
You can, if you wish, decide that it is your right and your role to have that which you desire.
You can, if you wish, allow the goodness of all that surrounds you to become increasingly more and more obvious.
You can, if you wish, decide that being here and being now means being at one with your manifesting universe.
You can, if you wish, open yourself to the delight, wonder, and magic that surrounds you, enfolds you, uplifts you, and carries you forth.
You do not have to do any of these things since they will happen with or without your alignment.
But you came here for the delight of who you are and what you are manifesting and we would recommend helping your helpers help you have more and more and more of this.
1. Helping your helpers help you.
2. Calling in specific help.
3. Opening up to the inevitability of who you are.
4. Recognizing your helpers right now.
5. Handing it all over is something to consider.
6. Remembering who is at the center of all of this.
7. Your helpers are helping you now.
More details (including samples): Helping Your Helpers Help You