Start Date: Saturday, August 19, 2023
End Date: Friday, August 25, 2023
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 08:06:22
Revision is the idea that what you had in the past is no longer connected to what you have in the present.
You can revise lots of things: objects, situations, circumstances, relationships.
In revision, you are simply finding another version set in the past and making that your focal point for the present.
In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to revise your body to have the shape and appearance you desire.
Revision, like with anything, begins with allowing the body you have to be perfect as it is.
From there, you can have anything you wish to manifest.
Revision is a way of using the past to be a helper in the having in the present of what you desire.
Revising your body from the past moving forward helps you more easily have the body you desire to have in the present.
1. Revising your body. Your body is perfect as it is and some of that perfection may be contrast helping you further refine and define what you desire.
2. This is not a fix. Revision does not fix anything. It simply changes what was. The what-is evolves as a result.
3. Your body evolves constantly. While you may believe that the body you had last night is the one you have today, you are likely incorrect in that belief.
4. Working hard at it does not always work. Effort expended to improve your physical condition follows an unimpeachable logic: inputs produce outputs. Revising is not logical.
5. Opening your mind to who you are. This is something we constantly invite you to do in a number of ways. With revising, you might very well see it more plainly than ever.
6. There is nothing wrong with you or your body. Revising might be difficult if approached from a place of judgment or disdain.
7. The perfection is staring at you in the mirror. If you are waiting for your body to make you feel better when it looks better, you might well have a long wait.
More details (including samples): Revising Your Body