Start Date: Saturday, April 15, 2017
End Date: Friday, April 21, 2017
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 05:24:12
Money is an idea that arises out of a chaotic universe.
It doesn't actually exist.
Cash that you can hold in your hand or observe on a computer screen, on the other hand, does exist in a tangible and useable and applicable way and is a fabulous manifestation that arises in your intentional experience.
Chaos is an imaginary figment of an idea that is contained within your intentional universe.
Money is an imaginary figment of an idea of cash with a past and a future which, like all manifesting ideas, it doesn't have.
Chaos is something you try to handle, manage, and deal with.
Money is something you try to handle, manage, and deal with.
This is a dilemma that is unsolvable.
There is, however, another way.
Instead of trying to handle money in a chaotic universe, you can allow cash in your intentional universe.
Instead of trying to manage money in a chaotic universe, you can appreciate cash in your intentional universe.
Instead of trying to deal with money in a chaotic universe, you can imagine cash in your intentional universe.
There is a catch...
More cash will not solve your money problem since...
You don't have a money problem.
In this series of 7 leading-edge conversations and delicious interactions, we invite you to stop trying to manage money and remember that you can allow the intentional universe to bring you the cash that is right for you, right now.
As we go through each day of this series, we will invite you to drop the burden of managing, handling, worrying, and dealing with money.
Now, from here, let us be clear.
This will be the most delicious and amazing of our series of conversations to date.
Until the next one, of course.
And, we invite you to come along for the expansive, delicious, freedom-filled ride as it pleases you to do so.
We look forward, as always, to the wondrous connections that we will be having with you.
More details (including samples): Liberating Money