Start Date: Saturday, November 25, 2017
End Date: Friday, December 1, 2017
Includes: 7 daily calls
Length: 03:46:38
The problem with striving to achieve something is that the universe of your thoughts hears only one thing: make it hard to get.
When you fall back and allow things to happen for you, it's amazing what will be given to you, as if it were being presented on a silver platter.
In this delicious serious of 7 daily conversations, we will be offering you suggestions about letting yourself have what you have already intended.
We also invite you to bring your thorny issues, your long-delayed dreams, and your wildest imaginings to the table.
As you do so, we know that you will have an opportunity to give it all up.
And that is not the same as throwing these delicious intentions out the window.
Giving it up, letting it happen, is a matter of you getting out of the way.
It is also a matter of you standing up for what is already happening for you, even if you have yet to gather any evidence.
These things, and undoubtedly many other delicious ideas that will arise out of the contrast of your experience, will be part of what we are quite certain will be a powerful series of conversations.
We invite you to be part of this magic, as it is your pleasure to do so.
More details (including samples): Letting It Happen