Start Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014
End Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Includes: 21 conversations, 3 workshops
Length: 06:49:46
There is a day that you can point to and say:
"This is when I decided to take the step forward that put me into the business that I am in and it was a very delicious day."
There is a point in time that you can point to and say:
"This is when it all came together."
And, there is a point when you will say:
"This is when my business exploded!"
That is the point in time, the day, if you will, that we are most interested in exploring with you.
You see, there is a vibrational quality to your success that is already established and we want to walk with you into it and through it, amplifying and making it more and more real to you right now.
We want to be with you as you uncover the deepest part of your success which is that amazing sense of fulfillment that is not situational in your awareness of it but that certainly produces the effects that you can then point to and say:
"This! I created this!"
There's really nothing more delicious than intentionally and deliberating creating something wonderful.
The explosion of your booming business as it is heard across the land, like an oil well that gushes or a bountiful harvest that piles up in the storehouse, is certainly a delight that you will revel in, again and again, as it happens.
This powerful 21-day series is not for everyone.
We are inviting you to join us if you are ready for that next level of expansion to occur.
We know, if you are drawn to participating in this series, that you will be finding a very powerful delight in this expansion and that you already know it is possible, even if you're not quite sure that it is likely.
Spending some time in this delicious vortex will help amplify your clarity and certainty about not only the expansion of your business to a place long dreamt of, but also how very much you are in love what what you are doing and how amazing it is to be doing it, whatever it may be.
So, if you are feeling better about doing so, we invite you to join us for this series of conversations. We very much look forward to this very powerful connection.
More details (including samples): When My Business Exploded