Start Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2013
End Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Includes: 21 conversations, 3 workshops
Length: 07:44:55
When we say that your products or services are Selling Like Hotcakes, we are saying that you are so deliciously in alignment with what you are offering that is nearly impossible for your customers to resist what you are offering.
This is a bold claim. And the claim we are making is for your alignment, because that comes first, and then everything follows that.
For every product or service that it is your delight to offer, there is a group of customers who are wanting to purchase the same.
Your job is to line up with the vibrational place where they are selling like hotcakes and then follow your intuition as it leads you into the very delicious places that such expansive thoughts will naturally call forth.
In this Practicum, we will be offering you a variety of simple exercises that will help you with that alignment.
Through this Practicum, we will be suggesting ways you can align yourself with the delicious experience of imagining, creating, and offering all manner of products and services that it is your delight to offer as well as the very satisfying experience of creating the customers who are ready to purchase them now.
No matter where you are on your journey, whether you are wanting more of what you already have and love or whether you are just beginning along the way, we invite you to join us for this Practicum on Selling Like Hotcakes and we invite you to experience all that you are quite capable of creating in terms of fulfillment, success, and delicious customer relationships.
More details (including samples): Practicum: Selling Like Hotcakes