Start Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2014
End Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Includes: 21 conversations, 0 workshops
Length: 04:01:22
What is the magic of synchronicity?
It is, first and foremost, the awareness, cultivated intentionally, of the unfolding story of your life in synchronistic terms.
Once you have cultivated this awareness and begin to harness its inherent power, you can't fail, or so we assert, to live in delight of the magic that it brings to your life.
Once you see the doors that open, the ways that are made clear, and the deliciousness of standing back and letting something so magical actually happen, you will, undoubtedly, find yourself relaxing more and more into the allowing of this awareness.
And, we need not say it but it is worthy of noticing, you are not just increasing your awareness of synchronicity in your life, you are also living in the midst of ever-more amazing manifestations, in physical terms, that show you their magic and feel like something much more than you were expecting.
For, you see, what we intend to revel in with you during this series is the very powerful awareness of how delicious life actually is when you acknowledge what is actually happening that synchronicity will demonstrate as you become more and more aware of the magic that it is.
This magic is no illusion. It is simply the best word we know that both expresses the delight and the awe that arises when you are in the middle of any experience that you can plainly see has been organized, through Infinite Intelligence, and is happening plainly for your benefit and on your behalf.
We invite you to join us for this celebration and to engage with these ideas so that you can directly experience the magic that they are.
To speak of synchronicity is to speak of awe and of delight.
To activate synchronicity is to notice its occurrence as often as possible.
To revel in synchronicity is to realize that it is the normal way in which manifestation occurs in everything, that it is simply the normal thing that happens.
The magic of synchronicity is not in its ability to conjure up something out of nothing, it is in the deep understanding that the everything that you are and that you have is manifesting in perfect harmony and with awe and delight as the hallmarks.
We invite you to join us for this rollicking party of delight and to find the magic of synchronicity in all the places you can imagine and in places that you can't yet quite imagine but that you will discover indeed.
More details (including samples): The Magic of Synchronicity