Start Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014
End Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Includes: 21 conversations, 3 workshops
Length: 06:43:33
We invite you to join us for some singular fun and delight in playing with the Universe!
What is synchronicity?
For us, it is the intersection of desire and time in manifestation in a way that is deliciously fun and feels highly resonant.
Simply put: it's when something wonderful happens in exactly the right way at exactly the right time.
In this astonishing and fun-filled 21-day series, we will be inviting you to activate the vibration of synchronicity through noticing and by the use of a handful of processes we will be offering throughout.
In each of our workshops, we will be inviting you to bring us tales of synchronicity and to explore more deeply the impact that synchronistic experiences have in how you are evolving through your own personal journey of delight.
This will be a hands-on series with lots of fun things to experience, explore, and discover.
And we begin simply enough by asking you to consider the synchronicity of your awareness of the existence of this series.
And we continue by inviting you to take the most significant step that you can: determine whether it feels better to join us in this series or not and to only take that step that feels better to you right now.
More details (including samples): Activating Synchronicity